Who am I? Well, I'm your average 30ish year old working woman who just so happens to have a book addiction. And a coffee addiction. Hence the blog name. And when I say book addiction, I'm not really exaggerating here. I actually average about a book a day. So I figured, why not do something constructive about it! I'm constantly recommending books to my friends who have no time to read, and get mad at me for tempting them, so I figured why not share with the masses instead (actually one of said friends convinced me I should do it so I could leave her alone). And here came the idea to start my own blog.
I have always enjoyed reading from a young age. Little Women being one of my childhood favorites. And for the last 10 years off and on I worked part time for Borders (may it rest in peace)- yet another part of the reasoning behind the name. I will read pretty much any genre of books and this blog will definitely reflect that.
Along with reading I am a music and movie junkie and will tie in these subjects with books on occasion. I constantly have a running song or playlist in my head when I'm reading a book. I will also go out of my way to read a book if I know it is soon to be turned into a movie, just so I can be annoying and compare them.
I can be witty when pressed and understand and can converse fluently in sarcasm. I'm short- therefore making me feisty. I am also obsessed with all things British and am a closeted Trekkie.
I’m a Jersey girl who is obsessed with books and writing and
currently resides in Brooklyn. My first love in life was reading and that hasn’t
changed. I was raised on Stephen King so I have an affinity towards horror and
was introduced to Science Fiction at an early age which became another of my
loves. Combine the two and you get Dystopian which I absolutely adore. These
may be my favorite genres but I will read almost anything. Reading led me to
discovering my ability to write and my love of writing developed from there. I was
so influenced by books that I decided I wanted to write my own books one day. It
seems that reading constantly tends to get in the way of writing though so I
found the best way to take advantage of this is to write book reviews.
I love to say that I was born to read but forced to work. I
imagine the reading and writing I could get done if I did not have to work,
unfortunately work is a necessary evil. Aside from reading and writing I also
love to cook. I am a health nut and am obsessed with coming up with my own
healthy and delicious recipes. I am a video game addict, a horror movie junkie,
a Sci-Fi nerd, and basically just an all-around geek.
I like to be my own person which has led to tattoos and
piercings and crazy hair colors, which has then led to a lot of judgement
from other people. This has taught me one of the most valuable lessons in life,
to not care what strangers think of me when they judge me by my looks. I like
to think of myself as nerdy and witty and original and creative, so I think
what this really all comes down to is I would have been sorted into Ravenclaw.
Hello! I’m Amanda and I live in the outskirts of Toronto, Ontario. Like most of you, I love to read! My favourite genres are mysteries and physiological thrillers, however I do have a limit and can’t read anything that is super scary or potentially could happen to me.
I am a very logical person, which is one of the reasons I fell in love with Goodreads. I love being able to track the books that I’ve read and have a list for the ones I want to read. I feel that most problems can be solved with a to-do list and it pains me that I probably won’t complete my never ending list of to-reads.
Outside of reading, I love sports and am super competitive. I love NFL football and spend most Sundays with my husband yelling and screaming at the television. One of our life goals is to see a game at least once in all of the NFL Stadiums. I also have a love/hate relationship with running and I am working up the courage to run a marathon.
Hello there; what's the process for requesting a book review (say around September'ish this year)?.
Hi Christyn! I found your blog on Goodreads and it's just awesome :)
ReplyDeleteI'm following you on Goodreads and would love a follow back
Cody @ http://literary-lyobsessed.blogspot.co.uk